I am Ten cover placeholder

Join the Clones launch team!

coming soon: MY NAME IS TEN

As a member of my Lauch Team you will help me make this book even better by giving me your honest early feedback.

With this power comes great responsibility! As a Launch Team member:

  • You get an early, pre-release version of my book to read.
  • You promise to spread the word for My Name Is Ten on social media (your blog, Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook) during Lauch Week.
  • You promise to buy a copy of the book, when available, from Amazon.com
  • You promise to provide am honest review (5 star only!) on Amazon.com
  • And just maybe… some free Clones Swag.

Reviews are priceless to an author. If you join my Launch Team, I’ll be extremely grateful! Upon joining, you’ll receive a welcome email with further details. When Launch Week comes around, I’ll let you know a schedule of events so that we can coordinate the book’s release.

Please fill out the form below to join my Clones Launch Team.